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Chapitre 8.1

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Chapitre 8.1 Empty Chapitre 8.1

Message par Devya Jeu 31 Jan - 9:31

Chapter 8.1: The Nova Orion Crisis
Publish Notes, January 31, 2007

* Corrected the hit box for the ARC-170 and the Naboo N-1 Starfighter.


* Removed YKL37R ships from being counted as gunships in the Rebel Space Kill Collection.

* Decreased the number of shuttle attempts needed to complete DePalma's Dispatch.

* Corrected the tooltip text for the Dust Durni collection.


* Fixed an issue where the command "/rotateFurniture pitch" wouldn't always work.

* Fixed an issue where the "/waypoint " command wouldn't create the waypoint on the specified planet/space zone.

* Missile packs will no longer be consumed if the launcher is already full of an equal or lesser power missile.

* Opponent Block Reduction (the reward for the Star Destroyer heroic encounter) is now visible under Skill Mods.


Nombre de messages : 3
Pilote Master : Oui
Faction Pilote : Rebel
Réputation : 0
Points : 0
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2008

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Chapitre 8.1 Empty Re: Chapitre 8.1

Message par Invité Jeu 31 Jan - 10:59

C'est chouette pour le depalma's dispatch.

"Decreased the number of shuttle attempts needed to complete DePalma's Dispatch."

Surtout qu'ils corrigent le bug lié à cela par la meme occasion, ça m'a bouffé 2 accostage qui n'ont donc pas été compter....


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